Welcome to My Site!

Welcome to my Site!

I’ve been meaning to make this for a while now, even bought the domain back in 2020, but I was never inspired enough to pull it off.

At first, I wanted to use the latest and greatest technology, use the fanciest techniques (maybe even use some three.js to add 3D assets to the site), push the boundaries of what I might or might not be capable enough. But, at last - I took the lazy approach: Use HUGO to generate a static site and call it a day HAHA.

Goals for this site.

I don’t know if I will be able to keep to any of these goals but It’s Jan 1st … Feb 7th, and we’re all making new years resolutions, so here we go.

  1. This is a space I share updates on my software (or hardware) projects

  2. Technologies I learn or tip & tricks I pick up along my development journey.

  3. thoughts

2023 projects! (plan)

.. All things AI. With the